Vulnerability Archive

Pirate Bay changed their domain, again
Pirate Bay, one of the most popular for “torrent” sites, and changed the address again, for the sixth time in the last year. The Guardian reports that Pirate Bay was forced to change his domain for the sixth time in the last year, after being closed by the

Movies of Sony Pictures, pirated online. Is North Korea behind Sony cyber-attacks?
Sony Pictures has been attacked by hackers. At least five recent films produced by Sony Pictures, among them “Annie” with Jamie Foxx, and “Anger: Anonymous Heroes” with Brad Pitt are currently illegally downloaded from the Internet, following the attack on the system of the the company, earlier this

The first five victims of the Stuxnet worm
Although it has been more than four years after the discovery of one of the most sophisticated and dangerous attacks – Stuxnet worm, thought to be the first cyber weapon – there are still many uncertainties of the whole operation. The main question remains: what were

Symantec discovers one of the most complex cyber espionage software
Symantec, an American computer software company announced Sunday, in France, that he discovered a malware, which is operational since 2008, whose technical complexity suggests that development has been at least supervised, by the intelligence services of a state. This malware called “Regin” is a highly sophisticated Trojan that monitors selected

Kaspersky Lab about Darkhotel – CEOs are victims of an elite espionage team
Global Research and Analysis Team members (GReAT) of the Russian software company Kaspersky Lab analyzed cyber espionage campaign “Darkhotel”, campaign active at least four years, a campaign during which were stolen confidential information from corporate executives traveling abroad. Darkhotel is targeting victims staying in luxury hotels, and the

Rihanna falls prey to hackers. A nude photo of her was posted
A few days after the scandal about the publication of nude photos which was stolen from phones of celebrities, another big name victim of hackers. According to The Telegraph, it is the singer Rihanna, whose nude photo was posted on the Internet on the night of Sunday to Monday. According

Tricked by email. Ukrainian government officials have been spied on by hackers which have been used a Windows vulnerability
Hackers have used this summer an error of the Microsoft Windows operating system to spy Ukrainian officials and American academics. This is the conclusion of an investigation of an American company in the field of cybersecurity, reports the Wall Street Journal (WSJ). According to the publication,

12 russian hackers broke 1.2 billion private accounts. Websites still vulnerable
Hackers have obtained user names and access codes on about 420,000 Internet sites, from large companies to smaller websites, reports the New York Times. Publication has obtained this information from researchers of Hold Security computer security company. According to them, hackers were able to gain access

iCloud has been hacked again. Important meeting between Apple and deputy head of China
Alert for users that have accounts on iCloud, Apple is trying to fix urgent situation. The general manager of Apple, Tim Cook, met in Beijing with Vice Ma Kai, to talk about the protection of users, two days after the appearance of information relating to an attack

The POODLE bug, SSL v3 vulnerability
Google discovered a new OpenSSL vulnerability and described it on it’s online security blog. This SSL bug is called POODLE (Padding Oracle On downgraded Legacy Encryption). The Poodle attack will allow hackers to steal your browser’s “secure” HTTP cookies and other bearer tokens such as HTTPS Authorization