

Approximately 60% of leaders in security believe that hackers have exceeded cybersecurity capabilities within their organization, said in a study conducted by IBM. Over 80% of security leaders believe that the challenges of external threats is increasing, while 60% agree that oraganizatiile are  exceeded in this cyber war, according to results announced by IBM.

In addition, the study reveals that technology is seen as a critical component for these security issues and threats, and Big Data, Cloud and Mobile are classified as the most important areas in terms of priority.

IBM’s third annual Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) was conducted by IBM Center for Applied Perceptions and is based on the responses of 138 detailed interviews with participants as most leaders in security. External sophisticated threats were identified by 40% of security experts. As the leaders of companies continue to shape business priorities, external threats will require an organizational effort meant in the next three to five years.



At the moment, organizations rethinking cybersecurity strategies, most relevant studies cited.
IBM research aim was to reveal and understand how organizations defend against cyber attacks.