Technology Archive

Father of the Internet, Vint Cerf, warns of upcoming “Digital Dark Age”
In Technology
In the past two years, big names oftech entrepreneurs and scientists who actively participated in the digital era evolution have expressed concern about the evolution of technology, whether we talk about about the risks involved out of control artificial intelligence or about things less “SF”. Vint Cerf, known as the

Software Defined Networking (SDN), the next Eldorado of IT
Few people know , SDN has everything it takes to become a new standard of IT. Basically, SDN brings a global expansion of virtualization from hardware and storage to further infrastructure networks. Thus, interventions on the networks will not require a manual configuration, a direct intervention

EERO, the device that will completely change your wireless home network. New Eero wants to wipe out weak Wi-Fi
In Technology
It is true that you will not find a router that is perfect, even if you pull out of your pocket a larger amount of money, because you consider that does not justify the acquisition and the quality – price, but for an ordinary user in

Swatch releases their first SmartWatch
In Technology
Swatch Swiss company has recently announced that will release in the two to three months a smart watch and the information was extensively commented on the Internet. The big question is whether this watch will be a success or a will be failure. Well, opinions are divided.

How it will look the new iPhone7 and what features will have
In Technology
Apple has not announced the release date for the new generation of iPhone, so the specialized press is plenty of room for speculation and scenarios. If Apple will launch iPhone representatives 6S, the new iPhone will have some improvements compared to the already out on the

USBdriveby can take control of a computer in a few seconds
A few months ago was discovered a worrying vulnerability of standard USB which does not seem to be repaired, called BadUSB. Until now such information was only theoretical and no one has developed a software which can uses this security hole, but a well-known hacker Samy Kamkar has

Project Ara, the smartphone of the future, who will serve the 6 MLD. of people on earth, closer to reality
In Technology
Project Ara, smartphone of the future to which Google is already working for some time, a device which would unite and serve all the inhabitants of the planet, made another step towards completion, that after the giant US online presence these days a version improved of

IBM Study: Companies rethinking cyber security strategies
Approximately 60% of leaders in security believe that hackers have exceeded cybersecurity capabilities within their organization, said in a study conducted by IBM. Over 80% of security leaders believe that the challenges of external threats is increasing, while 60% agree that oraganizatiile are exceeded in this cyber war,

The largest Bitcoin market from Europe, broken by hackers, causing millions of dollars worth of damage
Bitstamp, a major European bitcoin exchange, suspended operations after recording losses of several million dollars. Most likely, losses were recorded following a cyber attack, informs Financial Times newspaper. Bitstamp, with offices in London and Slovenia suspended the withdrawal of funds and advised clients on the danger of opening new deposits after

Huawei tells the truth: Windows Phone was a waste of money
In Technology
Huawei, one of the leading Chinese manufacturers of smartphones worldwide, give up plans to develop smartphones with Windows Phone, that after the company announced earlier this year it will no longer create mobile phones equipped with operating system developed by Microsoft. The reason of renunciation