vulnerability Archive

Gamers targeted by CryptoLocker, a ransomware virus
I was telling some time ago about a type of virus, ransomware which basically encrypts your data and you can not regain access unless you pay an amount of money as a reward. CryptoLocker has a new variant which targets gamers and stop them playing their favourite games unless they pay a

Can driverless cars be hacked ?
Driverless cars could be vulnerable to hackers who could bring cities to a chaos, steal cars remotely or even commit deadly terror attacks, and many other problems, is a known fact. The report from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) suggests that autonomous vehicles could be on the roads in

Uber database breach exposed 50000 drivers
Uber released a statement on Friday announcing that it suffered a data breach in 2014 that affected 50 000 Uber drivers across the United States. The Uber’s database was accessed by an unauthorized third party. Uber says that 50 000 driver partner names and driver’s license numbers attacked by Chinese hackers
Chinese hackers attacked web site with an malicious software (malware) that target only certain visitors, which include several US defense institutions and financial services, according to cyber security companies, iSIGHT. According to iSIGHT and Invincea, someone compromised this application for three days (November 28 until December 1, 2014) or

Google warns Microsoft and Apple: fix the vulnerability or we will disclose
Google said that its elite team consisting of hackers and programmers search security deficiencies of its software applications and other companies, Google warning that if its competitors will not eliminate vulnerabilities within 90 days, then they will make public. Google claims that software vendors must act quickly

EERO, the device that will completely change your wireless home network. New Eero wants to wipe out weak Wi-Fi
In Technology
It is true that you will not find a router that is perfect, even if you pull out of your pocket a larger amount of money, because you consider that does not justify the acquisition and the quality – price, but for an ordinary user in

Anthem, an insurance company, was the target of a large cyber attack
Anthem Insurance Company, the second largest in the United States, was the target of a cyber attack, hackers managed to steal personal data for many former or current clients and employees of the company, reports Reuters. Anthem announced Wednesday that hackers broke into an IT system

USBdriveby can take control of a computer in a few seconds
A few months ago was discovered a worrying vulnerability of standard USB which does not seem to be repaired, called BadUSB. Until now such information was only theoretical and no one has developed a software which can uses this security hole, but a well-known hacker Samy Kamkar has

Facebook says it was not the victim of a cyber attack, invoking technical problems
Facebook says it was not the victim of a cyber attack, invoking technical problems this morning for unavailability. Facebook invoke technical issues related to configuration changes to systems which fall off 50 minutes this morning. “The network” denies rumors which says that it was the victim of a cyber

CENTCOM Twitter and YouTube accounts, hacked by a terrorist group of Islamic State
An affiliated group of terrorist network of Islamic State has conducted cyber attacks against official Twitter and YouTube accounts of US Central Command (CENTCOM), broadcasting threats against US troops, reports The Washington Post newspaper. Assigned messages of hackers have begun to appear on the CENTCOM Twitter