security Archive

Top 10 Cyber Security incidents from the last years
There have been many significant cyber security incidents in recent years, and it is difficult to rank them in terms of their importance or impact. Here is a list of ten examples of significant cyber security incidents that have occurred in the past few years: The WannaCry

Hackers attacked the US IRS: personal data of more than 100,000 Americans, compromised
IRS (Internal Revenue Service), believes that the hackers who stole personal data of 100,000 US taxpayers would come from Russia. The attacks took place over a period of four months and authorities have found that it contained some cyber criminals in the country led by Vladimir Putin, shows

Cyber attack against Bundestag, the German Parliament
Hackers stole data from Bundestag during a cyber attack committed two weeks ago, a spokeswoman confirmed for the lower house of the German Federal Parliament, but it was unclear who is behind the attack, reports Deutsche Welle website. Spokeswoman said that several data leakage was detecting. But it is

It is certain, Internet Explorer is dead, long live Microsoft Edge
‘Project Spartan’, the known name given to Microsoft Edge, will be the default browser for Windows 10. Microsoft promised that Microsoft Edge will be faster and leaner than the hated IE. Microsoft has done with Internet Explorer, its new browser will be Microsoft Edge … although something minor has changed if you’re looking

Russian hackers gained access to Obama’s emails
The New York Times has reported that Russian hackers, who managed to access the White House computer system, were able to read President Obama’s unclassified emails. The breach was more intrusive than they admitted. “The hackers, who also got deeply into the State Department’s unclassified system, do not appear to have

Facebook continue to follow online activities of users, even if they are not connected to the network
In Technology
Belgian researchers have recently discovered that Facebook can track the online activity of its subscribers, even when they are not logged on social networking platform. The US company have started difficult week in Europe. Since the preliminary hearings will begin Monday in the trial of the Facebook , in Vienna, submitted

Russian hackers have managed the most sophisticated cyber attack on the White House
A group of russian hackers managed to break the White House computer system, gaining access to private information which contain the program of US President Barack Obama, writes CNN. According to available information, the attack, behind which they may be Russian hackers, as stated by the authorities, was

The XPPS program helps to control costs inside the Sorste Group
In Technology
Sorste Group, manufacturer of textile, enjoys total control over printing costs due to program Xerox Partner Print Services (XPPS). Following the infusion of technology, the company benefits from increased productivity, streamlined work processes, reduced costs, lower power consumption and consumables. In a first step, Producton, Xerox partner,

How to know if you have been hacked
81% of large businesses have suffered malicious data breaches shows in a cybersecurity survey, made by UK Government’s in 2014. That indicate almost one in five didn’t. “In this context, it’s impractical to prove a negative,” said Lenny Zeltser, a senior faculty member at the SANS Institute, who

Attorney-Client Privilege – Under Cyber Attacks
Law firms are the perfect targets for hackers according security experts. “It is almost a daily occurrence that we read about cyber attacks in the news. Unfortunately, on or around January 25, 2015, our firm was the victim of a single cyber attack, by a relatively new variant