russian hackers Archive

Russian hackers gained access to Obama’s emails
The New York Times has reported that Russian hackers, who managed to access the White House computer system, were able to read President Obama’s unclassified emails. The breach was more intrusive than they admitted. “The hackers, who also got deeply into the State Department’s unclassified system, do not appear to have

Russian hackers have managed the most sophisticated cyber attack on the White House
A group of russian hackers managed to break the White House computer system, gaining access to private information which contain the program of US President Barack Obama, writes CNN. According to available information, the attack, behind which they may be Russian hackers, as stated by the authorities, was

BlackEnergy – the most dangerous virus?
A computer virus “Trojan horse” type, BlackEnergy, used against NATO, was introduced in software that controls much of American infrastructure and can cause an economic catastrophe, warns Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Hackers are suspected that they are supported by the Russian Government. They introduced in

Tricked by email. Ukrainian government officials have been spied on by hackers which have been used a Windows vulnerability
Hackers have used this summer an error of the Microsoft Windows operating system to spy Ukrainian officials and American academics. This is the conclusion of an investigation of an American company in the field of cybersecurity, reports the Wall Street Journal (WSJ). According to the publication,

12 russian hackers broke 1.2 billion private accounts. Websites still vulnerable
Hackers have obtained user names and access codes on about 420,000 Internet sites, from large companies to smaller websites, reports the New York Times. Publication has obtained this information from researchers of Hold Security computer security company. According to them, hackers were able to gain access