nsa Archive

Edward Snowden to NSA – “Can you hear me now?”
Edward Snowden recently joined Twitter and his first tweet is addressed to the National Security Agency, NSA. This is a direct attack for the freedom of the press. Can you hear me now? — Edward Snowden (@Snowden) September 29, 2015 There are 100k retweets and almost 100k

NSA and British intelligence services have hidden access to several German mobile network operators
American National Security Agency (NSA) and British intelligence have a hidden network access to several German operators, reports Der Spiegel, based on documents from Edward Snowden. According to the German weekly, NSA program called “Treasure Map” has a clandestine access to Deutsche Telekom’s network and other smaller operators,

The Day We Fight Back
Today, February 11th, 2014 is The Day We Fight Back against mass surveillance. Almost 6,000 companies on the web, including Reddit, Imgur, Tumblr, and organizations like the American Civil Liberties Union, have joined forces to demonstrate against U.S. Security Agency NSA. Thus, February 11 became “The day

Google, Apple and Facebook have revealed the number of requests for data required by the NSA
In Cyber Crime
Several giants of the Internet, including Google, Facebook and Apple, eager to regain the trust of their users, published Monday the number of secret applications required by the NSA, a first of the revelations of Edward Snowden, says AFP. A week ago, the U.S. authorities in accordance

NSA intercepted the communications of Gerhard Schröder during the German chancellor was opposed military intervention in Iraq
In Cyber Crime
U.S. National Security Agency spied, at least before 2002, the German chancellor at the time, Gerhard Schroder, reveals the German public television (NDR), cited by AFP. Schröder’s name, Social Democratic chancellor during 1998-2005, appearing on a list of political figures monitored by the NSA since 2002, when

A team of Android developers released an application which protects you against NSA Spying under Wi-Fi HotSpots
In Malware, NSA, Vulnerability
It was no need to reveal that the agencies are tracking all the travelers who passed through the airport terminal, and could be tracked throughout the country by referencing it with the intercepted information from Wi-Fi in cafes, libraries and other public places. Developers released an application,