mark zuckerberg Archive

Zuckerberg: “WhatsApp will become the largest messaging platform in the world. ”
In Technology
Zuckerberg said he thinks WhatsApp will become the largest messaging platform in the world. Chairman & CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, estimated that the number of service users WhatsApp will reach 3 billion people in the near future.He mentioned that Facebook is prepared to spend billions of

Mark Zuckerberg’s Timeline Cover Photo Hacked ?!
The hacker Dr.FarFar claimed that he changed the Timeline Cover Photo of Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook account. Hacker Dr.FarFar explained that he used the “Report abuse” option on Zuckerberg’s Cover image, and choosed, “I don’t like this photo of me” and then “I used Fiddler2 Debugger Program to