internet Archive

In 2020 there will be over 26 billion devices connected to the internet
In Technology
Currently there are nearly 14 billion devices connected to the internet, most of them smartphones, but at the end of the decade will reach a total of 26 billion, a study Ericsson shows. The growth will be based on the unprecedented expansion of the Internet of Things (connected

Internet Trends 2015 by Mary Meeker
In Technology
Mary Meeker (was born September 1959) is an American venture capitalist and former Wall Street securities analyst. Her primary work is on Internet and new technologies. She is a partner at the Silicon Valley venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers. Each year, Mary Meeker prepares

Bitcoin’s evolution on the map
In Bitcoin, Security News
Bitlegal is the easyest way to explore the evolution of the internet currency around the world. You can search on this map for your country to see if the Bitcoin usage is Permissive / Contentious / Hostile / Unknown. You should notice that: BitLegal provides information about