hacking Archive

Cyber attack against Bundestag, the German Parliament
Hackers stole data from Bundestag during a cyber attack committed two weeks ago, a spokeswoman confirmed for the lower house of the German Federal Parliament, but it was unclear who is behind the attack, reports Deutsche Welle website. Spokeswoman said that several data leakage was detecting. But it is

Bitdefender Box will replace in three years all the security solutions from today
The Bitdefender company, a Romanian IT security solutions, recently launched in the United States the hardware security solution for families, Bitdefender Box. The product incorporates technologies based on 21 patents registered by the Romanian team of researchers from Bitdefender. Bitdefender Box is considered by analysts as a revolutionary

It is certain, Internet Explorer is dead, long live Microsoft Edge
‘Project Spartan’, the known name given to Microsoft Edge, will be the default browser for Windows 10. Microsoft promised that Microsoft Edge will be faster and leaner than the hated IE. Microsoft has done with Internet Explorer, its new browser will be Microsoft Edge … although something minor has changed if you’re looking

Russian hackers gained access to Obama’s emails
The New York Times has reported that Russian hackers, who managed to access the White House computer system, were able to read President Obama’s unclassified emails. The breach was more intrusive than they admitted. “The hackers, who also got deeply into the State Department’s unclassified system, do not appear to have

Cyber attack on Lufthansa customer database
In Cyber Attack
Hackers had broken the database of the German Lufthansa airline customers, Der Spiegel newspaper, quoted by Agerpres. Lufthansa said it had taken prompt action, but admitted “that failed to prevent illegal access to records of customers’. According to Der Spiegel, unidentified hackers have accessed data site users, compromising their

Russian hackers have managed the most sophisticated cyber attack on the White House
A group of russian hackers managed to break the White House computer system, gaining access to private information which contain the program of US President Barack Obama, writes CNN. According to available information, the attack, behind which they may be Russian hackers, as stated by the authorities, was

Obama wants a programme to sanction hackers
A new program that allows the government to punish foreign hackers was urged by US President to be created. The government will now be able to target those attempting cyber attacks on US assets and infrastructure and sanction hackers. “Cyber-threats are one of the most serious economic and national security

How to know if you have been hacked
81% of large businesses have suffered malicious data breaches shows in a cybersecurity survey, made by UK Government’s in 2014. That indicate almost one in five didn’t. “In this context, it’s impractical to prove a negative,” said Lenny Zeltser, a senior faculty member at the SANS Institute, who

Break the internet
The big question is could the internet ever be switched off? We think the internet is unbreakable. At least, until now it is not proved. Perhaps a more accurate term would be “hijacking the Internet”. London’s Docklands district is a big building in which is a substantial node in

Gamers targeted by CryptoLocker, a ransomware virus
I was telling some time ago about a type of virus, ransomware which basically encrypts your data and you can not regain access unless you pay an amount of money as a reward. CryptoLocker has a new variant which targets gamers and stop them playing their favourite games unless they pay a