hacking group Archive

Anonymous released an ISIS hacking guide
As an answer to the ISIS guide that explained how to protect against Anonymous hackers, the Anonymous hacking group released a guide to explain how to find, deface and hack ISIS online accounts and websites. But first, below you can find the ISIS guide that explains in

Anonymous declares war to ISIS: “We will Hunt you Down!”
Anonymous France shared a video message in which they declared war to ISIS. This comes after the Paris attacks where over 130 peoples were killed and more than 200 were injured. The hacker group Anonymous declared cyber war to the Islamic State, please watch the following anonymous

The Carbanak hacking group stole $1 billion from the accounts of several banks
A group of hackers called Carbanak stole about $1 billion from the accounts of several banks and financial sector companies around the world from 2013 to the present, in a unprecedented banking hack, said the cyber security company from Russia, Kaspersky Lab. The group, called “Carbanak” by

Syrian Electronic Army Hacked eBay and PayPal websites from UK, France and India
The Syrian Electronic Army hacking group, announced that they claimed two well known companies Saturday, on 1st February 2014. The victims are eBay and PayPal websites from United Kingdom, France and India. The syrian hackers said that this attack was a “hacktivist operation” and that they haven’t