hacker Archive

Avast forum hacked, 400 000 accounts affected
In Cyber Crime
Avast announced today on it’s blog that the avast forum was hacked. The forum suffered a serious security breach and 0.2% of it’s 200 millions customer accounts were affected. Near 400 000 avast accounts were affected by this cyber attack. In this way the user nicknames, user

Mark Zuckerberg’s Timeline Cover Photo Hacked ?!
The hacker Dr.FarFar claimed that he changed the Timeline Cover Photo of Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook account. Hacker Dr.FarFar explained that he used the “Report abuse” option on Zuckerberg’s Cover image, and choosed, “I don’t like this photo of me” and then “I used Fiddler2 Debugger Program to

We Are Legion: The Story of the Hacktivists
A MUST SEE documentary for those who don’t understand ANONYMOUS and WIKILEAKS, and/or just plain listen to what the MainStream media wants you to believe about them. Watch It! Details about the Movie – http://wearelegionthedocumentary.com/about-the-film/ Please support the authors. Buy the DVD, stream or download the film

Worst passwords of 2013
The password “123456” was the most commonly used password of 2013, according to research conducted by SplashData, quoted by La Vangurdia. It is also the most insecure password that a user can have, say sources cited. The following positions are occupied all sequential combinations such as “password”,

Hackathon Starter
Do you want to create a hackathon contest? Now you have the application that will allow you to create a Kickstarter for Node.js applications. Powered by Bootstrap, the Hackathon Starter application uses MongoDB, NodeJS and Xcode. And now it’s available on Github. If you have attended any

A prisoner from Romania invented an anti-theft device
In Breaking News, Malware
A Romanian hacker wants to protect the ATM world. He invented a device that makes it impossible to card fraud when inserted into the ATM. Valentin blunt is currently in prison in Vaslui, Romania , where he was executed five years in prison for cloning cards. Prisoner

The hacker ‘Guccifier’ real face revealed
The hacker Guccifier was caught after some searches in his home from Arad, Romania. His real name is “Marcel Lazar Lehel”. He was sentenced to three years probation. The Romanian Law Enforcement, DIICOT have cooperated with the US authorities in order to catch the hacker. Guccifer was