facebook hack Archive

Facebook vulnerability allows deleting any photo
This vulnerability allowed (it was fixed recently) malicious users to delete any photo album available on Facebook. This exploit of the Facebook Graph API allowed hackers to delete any photo album owned by a user or a page or group from Facebook. The main utility of the

HHVM has long term support from Facebook
Since September 2, HHVM (hip hip virtuam machine) has long term support from Facebook team and from the HHVM team. Facebook understands that, in order to reach every corner of PHP programming language, it’s users need to have a commitment, in order to plan their deployments and

Freshome Facebook Page Hacked, Page Verified asked to take ownership
Freshome Facebook page was hacked today. A facebook user called Verified Page has requested to take ownership of the page. Freshome lost in this way it’s 1 million users Facebook Page Account. The Freshome team received a strange notification on the Facebook page saying that: Page verified

Facebook launches Hack Lang, a new programming language for HHVM
Yesterday, Facebook officially announced on it’s blog the Hack Language. Hack Lang is a programming language that Facebook deployed for HHVM, a programming language that interoperates seamlessly with PHP. The main feature of the Hack Language is the fast development of PHP with the discipline provided by

Mark Zuckerberg’s Timeline Cover Photo Hacked ?!
The hacker Dr.FarFar claimed that he changed the Timeline Cover Photo of Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook account. Hacker Dr.FarFar explained that he used the “Report abuse” option on Zuckerberg’s Cover image, and choosed, “I don’t like this photo of me” and then “I used Fiddler2 Debugger Program to