ddos attack Archive

ProtonMail under DDOS attack
Since two days ago, ProtonMail was hit by a massive distributed denial of service (DDOS) attack. This severe attack that started on November 3rd, 2015 was very sophisticated and took Proton Mail offline for almost 24 hours. What is Protonmail? ProtonMail is an email service that is

Github under DDOS attack
In Cyber Attack
Github is under massive DDOS attack coming from China. This attack started on 26 March 2015, and the main attacker is Baidu. On it’s service status page, Github posted on 26 March this message: We’ve identified and mitigated a DoS attack that was impacting service. Service is

Facebook says it was not the victim of a cyber attack, invoking technical problems
Facebook says it was not the victim of a cyber attack, invoking technical problems this morning for unavailability. Facebook invoke technical issues related to configuration changes to systems which fall off 50 minutes this morning. “The network” denies rumors which says that it was the victim of a cyber

NTP critical vulnerability, solved by OS X update
The myth which says that Apple’s operating system, OS X is more protected against hacker attacks than other operating systems was once again dismissed. A critical vulnerability that could affect Mac users proved so dangerous that led the Cupertino company to publish for the first time in

Lizard Squad is attacking Tor Browser using DDOS
The hackers group called Lizard Squad which also claims responsibility for taking down PlayStation Network and Xbox Live over the Christmas Holiday, tweeted that they are behind the Tor Browser Cyber Attack from Friday. To clarify, we are no longer attacking PSN or Xbox. We are testing

Over 162 000 WordPress Websites used to perform DDOS Attack
What is a DDOS attack? And what’s the difference between DOS and DDOS attacks? A DoS attack (Denial-of-Service) involves an attempt to disrupt operations that run a computer or network that is connected to the Internet. The most common form of DoS attack is that the operation

Meetup.com Website Suffering Massive DDOS Attack
The Meetup website is suffering massive DDOS attacks since 27 February. According to their Twitter account: Meetup Support @meetup_support Feb 27 Meetup is down for the moment. Our team is working on fixing it right now. Sorry for the inconvenience! Meetup @Meetup Feb 27 Meetup is currently

Wurm Online Game offers 10 000 Euro Reward to expose details on DDOS Attack
In Cyber Crime, Malware
In February 18, 2014, the online game Wurm Online’s servers were attacked by a massive DDOS based attack. The DDoS attack made the gaming application offline for more than a day. For this reason, the company posted an announce, saying that they will offer a 10 000

CloudFlare Hit with 400Gbs NTP DDOS Attack
CloudFlare DDOS Attack, the largest Distributed Denial of Service Attack in the world! NTP based 400 Gbs DDOS Attack Security company CloudFlare said Monday that a customer running on its platform was hit with a massive DDOS attack and that affected service in all the Europe, even