cloudflare Archive

Microsoft adds VPN to its Edge browser and enables it by default
Microsoft added VPN to its Edge browser VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. A VPN creates a secure connection between two devices and encrypts data being transmitted over the Internet. This makes it difficult for hackers to intercept and steal information. With the addition of VPN to

CloudFlare websites load faster with HTTP/2
Starting from today, all CloudFlare websites are loading almost twice faster than before. Cloudflare enabled HTTP/2 for all accounts that enabled the SSL/TLS connections, even for the free customers. According to a CloudFlare blog post, “If you are a customer on the Free or Pro plan, there

CloudFlare Acquires CryptoSeal in order to protect Web Surfers
CloudFlare announced the acquisition of Criptoseal, the Trusted Computing and virtual private network (VPN) as a service company. CryptoSeal was founded by Ryan Lackey, a well-known engineer in the security community. According to Wikipedia, Ryan Donald Lackey (born March 17, 1979) is an entrepreneur and computer security

CloudFlare Hit with 400Gbs NTP DDOS Attack
CloudFlare DDOS Attack, the largest Distributed Denial of Service Attack in the world! NTP based 400 Gbs DDOS Attack Security company CloudFlare said Monday that a customer running on its platform was hit with a massive DDOS attack and that affected service in all the Europe, even