cloud Archive

Father of the Internet, Vint Cerf, warns of upcoming “Digital Dark Age”
In Technology
In the past two years, big names oftech entrepreneurs and scientists who actively participated in the digital era evolution have expressed concern about the evolution of technology, whether we talk about about the risks involved out of control artificial intelligence or about things less “SF”. Vint Cerf, known as the

Software Defined Networking (SDN), the next Eldorado of IT
Few people know , SDN has everything it takes to become a new standard of IT. Basically, SDN brings a global expansion of virtualization from hardware and storage to further infrastructure networks. Thus, interventions on the networks will not require a manual configuration, a direct intervention

Cloud, a new era of innovation for personal data protection
In Malware
A sophisticated cryptographic algorithm prevents unwanted distribution of personal data, including credit card details. IBM researchers have recently announced their intention to develop a technology based on cloud platform that will help users, giving a better protection for their personal data, when they are online, including date of birth,

CloudFlare Acquires CryptoSeal in order to protect Web Surfers
CloudFlare announced the acquisition of Criptoseal, the Trusted Computing and virtual private network (VPN) as a service company. CryptoSeal was founded by Ryan Lackey, a well-known engineer in the security community. According to Wikipedia, Ryan Donald Lackey (born March 17, 1979) is an entrepreneur and computer security