anonymous hack Archive

PwC: cyber attacks caused damage to companies estimated at 2.7 billion. dollars
Number of cyber security incidents detected in companies in 2014 increased by 48% over the previous year, reaching 42.8 million global events, apparent from an analysis performed by PwC – The Global State of Information Security Survey 2015, based on the responses of 9,700 managers responsible

CENTCOM Twitter and YouTube accounts, hacked by a terrorist group of Islamic State
An affiliated group of terrorist network of Islamic State has conducted cyber attacks against official Twitter and YouTube accounts of US Central Command (CENTCOM), broadcasting threats against US troops, reports The Washington Post newspaper. Assigned messages of hackers have begun to appear on the CENTCOM Twitter

Ransomware – a malware which encrypts your data
Cyber threats have an enviable diversity and a proof of ingenuity of hackers is ransomware, a malware which encrypts your data in the “hard drive” and you can not regain access unless you pay an amount of money as a reward. Few threats act in a way so

Lizard Squad is attacking Tor Browser using DDOS
The hackers group called Lizard Squad which also claims responsibility for taking down PlayStation Network and Xbox Live over the Christmas Holiday, tweeted that they are behind the Tor Browser Cyber Attack from Friday. To clarify, we are no longer attacking PSN or Xbox. We are testing

How Hackers Changed The World – Anonymous – We Are Legion
How Hackers Changed the World – We Are Legion is a documentary about Anonymous, a hacking documentary released by BBC. It goes in depth to describe some cyber attacks such as Church of Scientology, Paypal, Amazon, Visa, Mastercard and world governments in order to shame them for