Security News Archive

Facebook launches Hack Lang, a new programming language for HHVM
Yesterday, Facebook officially announced on it’s blog the Hack Language. Hack Lang is a programming language that Facebook deployed for HHVM, a programming language that interoperates seamlessly with PHP. The main feature of the Hack Language is the fast development of PHP with the discipline provided by

Boeing launches a Secure Smartphone that has Self Destruct Feature
Boeing is the world’s second biggest aerospace company. Boeing is among the largest global aircraft manufacturers, according to Wikipedia, Boeing “is the second-largest aerospace & defense contractor in the world based on 2012 revenue and is the US’ largest exporter by dollar value.” On it’s website, Boeing

Google Acquires in order to Prevent and Stop Online Ad Fraud
According to DoubleClick Advertiser Blog, Google acquired in order to invest in a cleaner and more accountable web. is a company from London that spent over 3 years building a world-class ad fraud fighting operation.’s functionality is designed specifically to detect attacks originating from

Google Acquires SlickLogin and Improve its Security with The Sound-Based Password Authentication
According to it’s official website, SlickLogin has been acquired by Google. Launched into closed beta in the TechCrunch Disrupt SF 2013 Battlefield, SlickLogin lets you log into a website on your computer by holding your phone within a few inches of it. How exactly does it work?

Google France forced to notify visitors of €150,000 privacy policy fine
Google has been shamed and forced by the authorities in France to publish on the first page of its search engine a message that informs the public about the fine of 150,000 euros received in this country for violation of privacy of users. French Data Protection Authority,

We Are Legion: The Story of the Hacktivists
A MUST SEE documentary for those who don’t understand ANONYMOUS and WIKILEAKS, and/or just plain listen to what the MainStream media wants you to believe about them. Watch It! Details about the Movie – Please support the authors. Buy the DVD, stream or download the film

Aaron Swartz Documentary from Sundance
The project was successfully funded on May 24, 2013 – This film was created by Brian Knappenberger, director of We Are Legion: The Story of the Hacktivists. The film explores Aaron’s arrest, the prosecution’s tactics in bringing the case to trial through the Computer Fraud and

Bitcoin’s evolution on the map
In Bitcoin, Security News
Bitlegal is the easyest way to explore the evolution of the internet currency around the world. You can search on this map for your country to see if the Bitcoin usage is Permissive / Contentious / Hostile / Unknown. You should notice that: BitLegal provides information about

Hackathon Starter
Do you want to create a hackathon contest? Now you have the application that will allow you to create a Kickstarter for Node.js applications. Powered by Bootstrap, the Hackathon Starter application uses MongoDB, NodeJS and Xcode. And now it’s available on Github. If you have attended any