NSA intercepted the communications of Gerhard Schröder during the German chancellor was opposed military intervention in Iraq
In Cyber Crime
U.S. National Security Agency spied, at least before 2002, the German chancellor at the time, Gerhard Schroder, reveals the German public television (NDR), cited by AFP. Schröder’s name, Social Democratic chancellor during 1998-2005, appearing on a list of political figures monitored by the NSA since 2002, when

Telecom provider Orange hacked, 800 000 customer records stolen
According to Pc Impact, the page “My Account” was the target of an attack Thursday, January 16. The ISP states that personal data were stolen, but the passwords are not affected. Less than 3% of the France Telecom Orange customers are impacted. A complaint was filed: Hackers

Syrian Electronic Army Hacked eBay and PayPal websites from UK, France and India
The Syrian Electronic Army hacking group, announced that they claimed two well known companies Saturday, on 1st February 2014. The victims are eBay and PayPal websites from United Kingdom, France and India. The syrian hackers said that this attack was a “hacktivist operation” and that they haven’t

A team of Android developers released an application which protects you against NSA Spying under Wi-Fi HotSpots
In Malware, NSA, Vulnerability
It was no need to reveal that the agencies are tracking all the travelers who passed through the airport terminal, and could be tracked throughout the country by referencing it with the intercepted information from Wi-Fi in cafes, libraries and other public places. Developers released an application,

Yahoo Mail Hacked through Third Party
Yahoo announced on their blog that hackers accessed a number of its mail accounts through a third party and that the affected accounts must reset their passwords as soon as possible. Yahoo says that their servers are still safe, but according to the company, hackers used a

Aaron Swartz Documentary from Sundance
The project was successfully funded on May 24, 2013 – https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/26788492/aaron-swartz-documentary-the-internets-own-boy-0 This film was created by Brian Knappenberger, director of We Are Legion: The Story of the Hacktivists. The film explores Aaron’s arrest, the prosecution’s tactics in bringing the case to trial through the Computer Fraud and

Worst passwords of 2013
The password “123456” was the most commonly used password of 2013, according to research conducted by SplashData, quoted by La Vangurdia. It is also the most insecure password that a user can have, say sources cited. The following positions are occupied all sequential combinations such as “password”,

Bitcoin’s evolution on the map
In Bitcoin, Security News
Bitlegal is the easyest way to explore the evolution of the internet currency around the world. You can search on this map for your country to see if the Bitcoin usage is Permissive / Contentious / Hostile / Unknown. You should notice that: BitLegal provides information about

Hackathon Starter
Do you want to create a hackathon contest? Now you have the application that will allow you to create a Kickstarter for Node.js applications. Powered by Bootstrap, the Hackathon Starter application uses MongoDB, NodeJS and Xcode. And now it’s available on Github. If you have attended any

A prisoner from Romania invented an anti-theft device
In Breaking News, Malware
A Romanian hacker wants to protect the ATM world. He invented a device that makes it impossible to card fraud when inserted into the ATM. Valentin blunt is currently in prison in Vaslui, Romania , where he was executed five years in prison for cloning cards. Prisoner