Cyber Crime Archive

NSA and British intelligence services have hidden access to several German mobile network operators
American National Security Agency (NSA) and British intelligence have a hidden network access to several German operators, reports Der Spiegel, based on documents from Edward Snowden. According to the German weekly, NSA program called “Treasure Map” has a clandestine access to Deutsche Telekom’s network and other smaller operators,

Freshome Facebook Page Hacked, Page Verified asked to take ownership
Freshome Facebook page was hacked today. A facebook user called Verified Page has requested to take ownership of the page. Freshome lost in this way it’s 1 million users Facebook Page Account. The Freshome team received a strange notification on the Facebook page saying that: Page verified

Avast forum hacked, 400 000 accounts affected
In Cyber Crime
Avast announced today on it’s blog that the avast forum was hacked. The forum suffered a serious security breach and 0.2% of it’s 200 millions customer accounts were affected. Near 400 000 avast accounts were affected by this cyber attack. In this way the user nicknames, user

eBay hacked last week after a massive cyberattack
There are 5 days since eBay was hacked after a massive cyber attack. This attack compromised a large number of users’ personal information. Ebay is one of the world’s largest online marketplaces, they claimed 128 million active users worldwide. The group, which also owns PayPal website claimed Website Suffering Massive DDOS Attack
The Meetup website is suffering massive DDOS attacks since 27 February. According to their Twitter account: Meetup Support @meetup_support Feb 27 Meetup is down for the moment. Our team is working on fixing it right now. Sorry for the inconvenience! Meetup @Meetup Feb 27 Meetup is currently

Wurm Online Game offers 10 000 Euro Reward to expose details on DDOS Attack
In Cyber Crime, Malware
In February 18, 2014, the online game Wurm Online’s servers were attacked by a massive DDOS based attack. The DDoS attack made the gaming application offline for more than a day. For this reason, the company posted an announce, saying that they will offer a 10 000

Crowd-Funding website Kickstarter Hacked, Customer Information Accessed by Hackers
According to Kickstarter’s blog post, on Wednesday night, law enforcement officials contacted Kickstarter and alerted them that hackers gained unauthorized access to some of it’s customers data. Kickstarter says that they took all the necessary security measures and they immediately closed the security breach. No credit card

CloudFlare Hit with 400Gbs NTP DDOS Attack
CloudFlare DDOS Attack, the largest Distributed Denial of Service Attack in the world! NTP based 400 Gbs DDOS Attack Security company CloudFlare said Monday that a customer running on its platform was hit with a massive DDOS attack and that affected service in all the Europe, even

The Day We Fight Back
Today, February 11th, 2014 is The Day We Fight Back against mass surveillance. Almost 6,000 companies on the web, including Reddit, Imgur, Tumblr, and organizations like the American Civil Liberties Union, have joined forces to demonstrate against U.S. Security Agency NSA. Thus, February 11 became “The day

Google, Apple and Facebook have revealed the number of requests for data required by the NSA
In Cyber Crime
Several giants of the Internet, including Google, Facebook and Apple, eager to regain the trust of their users, published Monday the number of secret applications required by the NSA, a first of the revelations of Edward Snowden, says AFP. A week ago, the U.S. authorities in accordance