Cyber Attack Archive

Apple released iOS 8.0.2 in order to fix mistakes
The latest version of iOS fix bugs and security issues discovered after the release of patch previously The last but one patch released by Apple, iOS 8.0.1, brought more problems than fixes for users of iPhone or iPad. Less than 24 hours after withdrawal, Apple unveiled iOS

Amazon accounts hacked? “Your password has been changed”
Amazon changed it’s customers accounts passwords after what it seems to be a global security breach. Peoples from all the world received emails saying that their account’s password has changed: Hello username, This is an important message from At Amazon we take your security and privacy

NSA and British intelligence services have hidden access to several German mobile network operators
American National Security Agency (NSA) and British intelligence have a hidden network access to several German operators, reports Der Spiegel, based on documents from Edward Snowden. According to the German weekly, NSA program called “Treasure Map” has a clandestine access to Deutsche Telekom’s network and other smaller operators,

CloudFlare Hit with 400Gbs NTP DDOS Attack
CloudFlare DDOS Attack, the largest Distributed Denial of Service Attack in the world! NTP based 400 Gbs DDOS Attack Security company CloudFlare said Monday that a customer running on its platform was hit with a massive DDOS attack and that affected service in all the Europe, even

Telecom provider Orange hacked, 800 000 customer records stolen
According to Pc Impact, the page “My Account” was the target of an attack Thursday, January 16. The ISP states that personal data were stolen, but the passwords are not affected. Less than 3% of the France Telecom Orange customers are impacted. A complaint was filed: Hackers