Cyber Attack Archive

A College Hackers from Hungary educates “pirates” to protect the state
In Cyber Attack
In Budapest, the “School Hackers” – subordinate of Kurt Academy, the leader in information security Hungary – trains “friendly pirates” that helps to protect against cyber attacks by learning all the tricks of the trade by hacker, says French newspaper “Libération”. Each year, 20handpicked students are trained in

An internationally renowned hacker detained in UK
United States Department of Justice announced that the FBI dismantled most dangerous online pirates network, thus ending one of the biggest scams in history information, which caused losses of over 100 million dollars. The group that is behind the criminal action has infected over the past three

BlackEnergy – the most dangerous virus?
A computer virus “Trojan horse” type, BlackEnergy, used against NATO, was introduced in software that controls much of American infrastructure and can cause an economic catastrophe, warns Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Hackers are suspected that they are supported by the Russian Government. They introduced in

Is the world threatened by cyber attacks? Most experts say “Yes”
The world lives under the threat of a cyber attack of huge dimensions, which could occur in the next decade. Company Pew Research interviewed 1,642 experts in the field about this topic, and 61% of them said that a cyber attack can cause serious problems globally

Tricked by email. Ukrainian government officials have been spied on by hackers which have been used a Windows vulnerability
Hackers have used this summer an error of the Microsoft Windows operating system to spy Ukrainian officials and American academics. This is the conclusion of an investigation of an American company in the field of cybersecurity, reports the Wall Street Journal (WSJ). According to the publication,

12 russian hackers broke 1.2 billion private accounts. Websites still vulnerable
Hackers have obtained user names and access codes on about 420,000 Internet sites, from large companies to smaller websites, reports the New York Times. Publication has obtained this information from researchers of Hold Security computer security company. According to them, hackers were able to gain access

iCloud has been hacked again. Important meeting between Apple and deputy head of China
Alert for users that have accounts on iCloud, Apple is trying to fix urgent situation. The general manager of Apple, Tim Cook, met in Beijing with Vice Ma Kai, to talk about the protection of users, two days after the appearance of information relating to an attack

The POODLE bug, SSL v3 vulnerability
Google discovered a new OpenSSL vulnerability and described it on it’s online security blog. This SSL bug is called POODLE (Padding Oracle On downgraded Legacy Encryption). The Poodle attack will allow hackers to steal your browser’s “secure” HTTP cookies and other bearer tokens such as HTTPS Authorization

Google warns: Espionage of the USA risks “breaking the internet”
Cyber espionage practiced by the United States is a threat that could lead to “breaking the internet” warns Supervisory Board Chairman of Google, Eric Schmidt. “The impact is serious and is getting worse,” said he. “The result of the simplest scenario is that we get to break the

FBI: Companies from USA spends tens of billions annually against Chinese cyber espionage
Aggressive cyber war carried by China against the United States causing each year losses worth billions of dollars to American companies, said FBI Director James Comey AFP reports. According to federal police chief, the vast majority of American companies have been targeted by this type of activities.