Breaking News Archive

eBay hacked last week after a massive cyberattack
There are 5 days since eBay was hacked after a massive cyber attack. This attack compromised a large number of users’ personal information. Ebay is one of the world’s largest online marketplaces, they claimed 128 million active users worldwide. The group, which also owns PayPal website claimed

2014 Internet Security Threat Report
Symantec has released it’s 2014 Internet Security Threat Report. This vulnerability report presents an overview and analysis of the year in global threat activity. They reached volume 19 with this threat report. The report is based on data from the Symantec Global Intelligence Network, which Symantec’s analysts

Heartbleed security bug in OpenSSL affected over a half of the internet
Heartbleed bug was discovered in OpenSSL. OpenSSL is an open-source implementation of the SSL and TLS protocols. The core library is written in the C programming language. OpenSSL implements the basic cryptographic functions and provides various utility functions. This bug allows random reading of servers memory in

Snoopy drone can hack your smartphone when you’re on street
Snoopy is a distributed tracking and profiling framework. According to the British experts from Sensepost Security, the project called Snoopy demonstrates the danger of using drones without clear rules. Sensepost created a distributed tracking and data interception framework, which performs simple tracking, real-time and historical profiling of

Facebook launches Hack Lang, a new programming language for HHVM
Yesterday, Facebook officially announced on it’s blog the Hack Language. Hack Lang is a programming language that Facebook deployed for HHVM, a programming language that interoperates seamlessly with PHP. The main feature of the Hack Language is the fast development of PHP with the discipline provided by

Over 162 000 WordPress Websites used to perform DDOS Attack
What is a DDOS attack? And what’s the difference between DOS and DDOS attacks? A DoS attack (Denial-of-Service) involves an attempt to disrupt operations that run a computer or network that is connected to the Internet. The most common form of DoS attack is that the operation Website Suffering Massive DDOS Attack
The Meetup website is suffering massive DDOS attacks since 27 February. According to their Twitter account: Meetup Support @meetup_support Feb 27 Meetup is down for the moment. Our team is working on fixing it right now. Sorry for the inconvenience! Meetup @Meetup Feb 27 Meetup is currently

Boeing launches a Secure Smartphone that has Self Destruct Feature
Boeing is the world’s second biggest aerospace company. Boeing is among the largest global aircraft manufacturers, according to Wikipedia, Boeing “is the second-largest aerospace & defense contractor in the world based on 2012 revenue and is the US’ largest exporter by dollar value.” On it’s website, Boeing

Google Acquires in order to Prevent and Stop Online Ad Fraud
According to DoubleClick Advertiser Blog, Google acquired in order to invest in a cleaner and more accountable web. is a company from London that spent over 3 years building a world-class ad fraud fighting operation.’s functionality is designed specifically to detect attacks originating from

Crowd-Funding website Kickstarter Hacked, Customer Information Accessed by Hackers
According to Kickstarter’s blog post, on Wednesday night, law enforcement officials contacted Kickstarter and alerted them that hackers gained unauthorized access to some of it’s customers data. Kickstarter says that they took all the necessary security measures and they immediately closed the security breach. No credit card